MediMedia Health

Re-branding for a Healthcare Business in Transition

Branding Design & DevelopmentContent DevelopmentWebsite Design & Development




After the consolidation of several business units, MediMedia needed rebranding to support the company’s integrated services and solutions offerings. Since they needed to hit the ground running, they asked healthcare agency D2 Creative to launch the new brand in just two months. The brand strategy had to be solid and enduring, yet flexible enough to accommodate an organization in transition, as new acquisitions were on the horizon.

We developed a new, iconic, visual identity system that incorporated the service and solutions product architecture as well as the company’s core mission and values. Strong brand cues helped MediMedia Health build brand recognition and brand equity. We developed brand identity guidelines to ensure brand continuity among internal and external teams. The new website (which included a content management system) presented the brand’s product and service offerings. We also supported the sales teams, writing and designing custom PowerPoint presentations for seven product/service groups.

Companies make a big investment in branding and visual identity, and a good brand should be able to stand the test of time. With our healthcare branding expertise, the MediMedia brand is as strong as ever despite its changes over the years.


MediMedia Health Logo


Access Point image with doctor and point emblem Access Point image with doctor and point emblem PatientNet image of patient surrounded with their medical records


MediMedia health logo concept and image selection MediMedia health logo concept and image selection MediMedia point emblem and brand delivery methods


Picture collage of patient reading RX bottle and doctor working virtually on tablet Picture collage of patient reading RX bottle and doctor working virtually on tablet picture collage of doctor greeting patients and Dr. handing patient Medimedia ID card

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2019 MM&M Awards: Show Your Bold, Gold award
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